Our performance

Dedicated to excellence

Investing for long-term success

Our strategic ambition is to be a leading global investor, working together and focusing on a total fund investment approach that optimizes our ability to identify opportunities, deploy capital and capture value.

“We consistently meet or exceed our objectives, thanks to our ability to spot unique opportunities.”

FY24 Financial highlights

[In C$ as at March 31, 2024]


Total fund 1-year net portfolio return


5-year net annualized return


10-year net annualized return

Asset class Five-year rate of return
Capital Markets (excluding Cash and Cash Equivalents) 6.9%
Real Estate 0.9%
Private Equity 14.8%
Infrastructure 12.0%
Natural Resources 7.0%
Credit Investments 9.8%
Complementary Portfolio 9.8%

Detailed reports of our achievements & performance

2024 Annual Report
Date: June 17, 2024
Size: 7.8 MB
2023 Sustainable Investment Report
Date: Sept. 14, 2023
Size: 3.2 MB

Want to see previous years' reports and publications? Search with our report tool.

Spotting opportunities for success across asset classes

We go beyond traditional investing by collaborating across asset classes to develop innovative solutions. Our ability to think outside of the box enables us to seize unique opportunities to generate high returns.


*Figures do not add up due to rounding

See how we invest

Breakdown of net assets per asset class*

[as at March 31, 2024] - *Figures do not add up due to rounding
  • 42.2%
    Capital Markets (excluding Cash and Cash Equivalents)
  • 15.3%
    Private Equity
  • 13.0%
  • 10.3%
    Real Estate
  • 9.9%
    Credit Investments
  • 5.7%
    Natural Resources
  • 0.9%
    Portefeuille complémentaire

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