Federal Public Service Pension Plan

Federal Public Service Pension Plan

Investing for the sustainability of your pension plan

Fast facts

[In C$ as of March 31, 2024]


Fiscal year 2024 net return


Fiscal year 2024 net income


Total net assets

Our history of financial growth

Historical Net Assets

[In million C$ for years ended March 31]
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024

Net Income (Loss)

[In C$ for years ended March 31]
Date $ (Millions)
2024 13,002
2023 7,444
2022 16,384
2021 22,988
2020 (763)
2019 8,070
2018 9,805
2017 11,012
2016 583
2015 9,959
2014 9,163
2013 5,097

Fund Transfers

[In C$ for years ended March 31]
Date $ (Millions)
2024 2,988
2023 2,428
2022 2,791
2021 2,518
2020 2,198
2019 2,838
2018 2,814
2017 2,712
2016 2,792
2015 3,221
2014 3,535
2013 3,258

We’re dedicated to securing the financial future of contributors and beneficiaries. Learn more about us.

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