Our contributors

Dedicated to the people who have served Canada in their careers

Investing for the sustainability of your pension

PSP Investments is the investment manager for the pension plans of the federal public service, the Canadian Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Reserve Force. We manage separate plan accounts for each of these four federal entities.


Investing is the very core of our vision, our mandate and our business. It’s about seizing opportunities and making the most of them for the funding of the public sector pension plans, in the best interests of contributors and beneficiaries, and to maximize returns without undue risk of loss.

Net assets per pension plan account

[In C$ as of March 31, 2024]
  • 73.3%
    Public Service
  • 19.1%
    Canadian Armed Forces
  • 7.2%
  • 0.4%
    Reserve Force

Explore our annual reports

2024 Annual Report
Date: March 31, 2024
Size: 7.8 MB
2023 Sustainable Investment Report
Date: Sept. 14, 2023
Size: 3.2 MB

Discover the performance of your pension plan investments

Learn about our approach to investing

Investing responsibly

We believe good environmental, social and governance practices go hand in hand with positive long-term financial performance. We take a pragmatic approach to ensure our investments are sustainable.

Discover our process

Managing a full spectrum of risks

Our approach to risk management is structured to consider all entreprise risks, including both investment and non-investment risks. A rigorous process and an independent dedicated team ensure robust risk management practices.

See the details

Download information about our investment policies

We’re dedicated to securing the financial future of contributors and beneficiaries. Learn about us.